Monday, 2 May 2016

Blog Entry 1/Assignment 2

What can I learn from Sol Plaatje?

A respected South African intellectual, journalist, linguist, politician, translator and writer. Sol Plaatje was one of the founding members, and the first General Secretary of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), which became the ANC. The Sol Plaatje Local Municipality, which includes the city of Kimberley, is named after him, just as the Sol Plaatje University in that city, which opened in 2014.

As a digital journalist I could learn quite a lot from this revolutionary. First and foremost you cannot box a person like Plaatje because he took the time to educate himself in areas where he felt he could grow and make a difference in, not only for his life, but for the lives of others as well.
I learned that when you have true passion for something you continue to work on it, and you find different angles in which you can harness it, until you reach it's perfection. 

In order to be content with your work in this field of occupation you truly need to enjoy what you do, that is what I'm learning here. Sol Plaatje enjoyed his job, he drew happiness from making others people's lives more bearable and worthwhile. He worked because he believed that through his en-devours he was honestly just sharing his experiences with different kinds of people, teaching as well as learning from them.
As a journalist, I believe that my job is to render the audience with a service, and that service is to fully equip them with as much worldly knowledge, news and information as I can. In order to do this, firstly I need to love my Job, the love for my job will push me to better equip myself so that I can deliver the best possible products and outcomes. That is what I feel that I can learn from this man.

From him I am learning that it is not a mistake to venture out into new unheard of areas of thought and learning, that is where true growth begins.

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