Tuesday 3 May 2016

Blog entry 3 (Assignment 2): That’s so hot right now (350-450 words)
In this blog post I'm going to be dicussing specific trends that I believe are going to hold the fort in terms of trendingtrademarks when it comes to fashion.

With regards to fashion this season quite a lot of people are gravitating to brown and beige colours when it comes to knitwear jerseys and winter trenchcoats. 

A lot of people have taken a liking to this trend especially in the winter season that we are entering. A lot of celebrities, but specifically the Krdashians have been spotted on many occasions wearing long nude trench coats with brown heels. It's a simple colour that blends easily with other items of clothing.
Many students on campus are also induldging  with the nude/beige trend in terms of jerseys, skirts, and boots. 
As I have already mentioned, the beige jersey knitwear trend originated from western cultures and spread. As I have already mentioned the brown and beige clothing trend is quite popular overseas and on we;;-known reality television shows such as Keeping up with the Kardaashians.

Many of the students on campus watch these shows on a regular basis, and are inspired by what the reality TV stars wear in their everyday lives, because it would make sense that that is what is currently trending overseas right now.

Therefore many girls on campus have taken a liking to this trend and are wearing it differently, in ways that suit their individual personalities.


Blog entry 2 (Assignment 2): Life on campus (250-350 words)

The annual University of The Free State Oscar Night took place on the 29th of April 2016.
This is a yearly event at the University that usually takes place at the Centenary lodge that is located in the Southern area of the University.

The event kicked off with a pre-drinks at a local club in Bloemfontein "Cubana", where the students gathered and enjoyed one another's company before heading to the main event. Students were dressed in elegant smart casual wear, where they dined and drank wine and had a merry night. 

This is an annual social event that is hosted by the University where different performances from various well known artists take place. The performances were lively and very enticing. Everyone was on their feet and enjoying the show being put on. I enjoyed myself and the food that was being served. The decoration in the hall was also very appealing. The chairs and tables were draped with gold and black cloth. They made use of silver metallic cutlery, these small intricate details gave the night the elegant flair that it had.
Not as many students as last year attended the event, but the venue was filled, and people enjoyed themselves.

Monday 2 May 2016

Blog Entry 1/Assignment 2

What can I learn from Sol Plaatje?

A respected South African intellectual, journalist, linguist, politician, translator and writer. Sol Plaatje was one of the founding members, and the first General Secretary of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), which became the ANC. The Sol Plaatje Local Municipality, which includes the city of Kimberley, is named after him, just as the Sol Plaatje University in that city, which opened in 2014.

As a digital journalist I could learn quite a lot from this revolutionary. First and foremost you cannot box a person like Plaatje because he took the time to educate himself in areas where he felt he could grow and make a difference in, not only for his life, but for the lives of others as well.
I learned that when you have true passion for something you continue to work on it, and you find different angles in which you can harness it, until you reach it's perfection. 

In order to be content with your work in this field of occupation you truly need to enjoy what you do, that is what I'm learning here. Sol Plaatje enjoyed his job, he drew happiness from making others people's lives more bearable and worthwhile. He worked because he believed that through his en-devours he was honestly just sharing his experiences with different kinds of people, teaching as well as learning from them.
As a journalist, I believe that my job is to render the audience with a service, and that service is to fully equip them with as much worldly knowledge, news and information as I can. In order to do this, firstly I need to love my Job, the love for my job will push me to better equip myself so that I can deliver the best possible products and outcomes. That is what I feel that I can learn from this man.

From him I am learning that it is not a mistake to venture out into new unheard of areas of thought and learning, that is where true growth begins.

Saturday 12 March 2016

University Of The Free State Campus chaos: Some solutions 

Protesters who had demanded an end to the outsourced employment of cleaners at the institution, disrupted the rugby game between the University Of The Free State and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

When they made their way towards the halfway line in the 17th minute, conflict raised among the protesters and the spectators which resulted in several protesters being physically beaten.

The University Of The Free State made the decision to suspend classes for a week, and launch an urgent investigation following the brawl between the Outsourcing Must Fall protesters and spectators at the Varsity Cup rugby game that day.
The events that followed this tragic incident on our campus left a bad taste in most of our students' mouths. Nothing felt the same again because during the incidents that were taking place, students began to express their true feelings about the racial issues that have been haunting UFS. Many masks came off unapologetically, exposing problems that were deliberately unspoken of in the heart of maintaining good peace.

With time, the anger and uncertainty amongst us as students has seemed to calm down, however the cracks on the mirror are more visible now than they have ever been before. With the whole country and possibly the rest of the world watching the university and scrutinizing the situation, one of the questions we are currently faced with is "For how much longer will we be able to pretend that things are back to normal, and that underlying issues have been overcome?"

I truly believe that silence will only making things worse. For as long as action is not taken against racist acts and intents that people project onto one another, the consequences there-of will continue not to be taken seriously which will result in further cross-cultural, racial, and ethnic turmoil.
People need to come to terms with the fact that South Africa is no longer what it was in the past, and that no person of a specific race shall be considered more superior than the other. 

"Bigotry Should never be allowed to go without impediment or protest. Silence will never be an effective tool against oppression or racism, ever." - Shaun King

Such matters need to be considered ones of urgency and dealt with effectively by the government and any other bodies who are in authority and have the power to bring justice to the perpetrators, immediately, in order to prevent any future relapses. 

A Peek Into Who I Really Am.

Meet Nomee!

HI! My name is Xolisa but you can call me Nomee :)
Whew, here comes the hard part.
I'm supposed to introduce myself and basically explain who I am. However I have been struggling to do this because I believe that time breeds change, people evolve, they grow, and they manifest infinitely in the direction that they work for life to pull them in.

I'm an evolution. I'm a construction, a work in progress, a mystery that I am yet to solve.
I'm a woman.
I am fascinated and interested in art in it's most intrinsic forms. The ability to see, observe and understand is an art. The ability to hear is an art. the ability to speak is an art. the ability to perform is an art. The ability t create is an art.
I want to work in Media. Broadcasting, Photography, Film, Marketing and anything that is remotely related.

On a more personal level, I'm a bit shy, I.m an extroverted Introvert.

I'm funny (I truly believe I am), inquisitive, goofy, competitive, very emotional, talkative but also conscious and observing, innovative, and analytical of everything. I love love but it also terrifies me.  I'm a foodie and a bit of a blonde too.
"I'm whiskey in teacup."

I enjoy having deep conversations with the right people.
I don't like depending on anyone, for anything. I'm a 22 going on 23 year old Xhosa Female that lives in South Africa who has a thing or two to prove to herself and the rest of the world. I want to travel and experience success, wealth, and the beauty of the earth in it's most diverse forms. I want to do all of these things and then tell stories to the rest of the world about it.

Hey, I'm still getting to know myself.

PS: Stay tuned.